Challenge #169 (10/28/05) - Entries CLOSED

Theme #169 for 28 October 2005 is: Alternative Transportation

Entries closes at 2100 GMT -5 Monday, 31 October 2005.

Pure entry
This is what you have TV-Shop for…

Placeholder. Just in case. :slight_smile:

Place ()>-------------------<() Holder

“This is your captain speaking. Welcome to Wormhole flight WF142 to Earth. Please ensure tray tables are upright and dimensional stability is in effect. Thank you.”


I would have loved to enter my skycar project I am working on but thats against the rules :smiley: (which is perfectly logic) and I am not here this weekend. sigh I’ll participate next week though :D. Great topic though. I can already imagine the wacky ideas coming…

Placeholder = 'false'; // I never forget to define variables...
Back_out = 'false';
if ( Time == 'Permitting' ) {
   Placeholder = 'true';
else {
   Back_out = 'true';

Don’t mind me, I’m just really bored.

Edit: Time == ‘Permitting’;

My first idea was a Segway… Didn’t happen… Second, a hamster ball. Again, didn’t happen… Then this came out.


I have an awsome idea, but it will really test my noob skills so I will have to plan it. I just may enter.

possible placemat :Z

Place Holder. I’m going to have to brainstorm for this one.

Pure entry(first weekend challenge)

Don’t try to see too much in this one hee hee

Jim furnished his own transportation to beat the evening rush hour…

heres mine… i would have loved to have finished it but i cant: going away tmoro

The walking of the future:

Is it just a coincidence that Jeeves was going to do a segway and DanBoghean actually did a segway?

Anyway I had planned to do a play tikes coopy car thing kind of like this one, but I won’t get around to it.
not an entry
not an entry

Isn’t that Time = ‘Permitting’;


(Also too much time!)

I was using that as in if statement, which would be “if ( Time == ‘Permitting’ )”. But, in the context it appears in, I should drop the extra = sign. Also should drop the semi-colon. But nuts to it.

I actually wasn’t going to do a segway since I didn’t have any reference pics :frowning: I just did this out of my head, that’s why it looks so crappy!

My pure entry:

Into the Light

One accident… one death… one step into the Light… one way ticket to Paradise…