Challenge #430 (13/05/11) CLOSED

Nuclear Highwire

  • Updated

Haha awesome, Quandtum!

Nice ones, everyone!

Here’s my non-competitive entry:

The Last Affirmation

As always, pure Blender.


This is shaping up to be an epic week! Nice work everyone!

@QT, long time no see! I hope this is the beginning of a trend. and awesome entry! Those materials are excellent! What’s the topic next week :slight_smile:

I heard some Floyd, and all I could think of was “The Wall”


love u robert

Here is mine “Party Trick”

Pure - The only non-procedural texture I used was a photo I took on holidays. I used it for the reflections on the swords which didn’t work out that great anyway.

@Quandtum, just hope Homer didn’t help you with the programming!

@RT, Oh no, done it again!

@Helix, wish that was before my time, but those shots of getting the cane bring back memories…

@Brado, don’t ask me why because their nothing like 'em, but you character reminds me of Tuck and Roll…

Title: Going Down

A pure entry. I feel that this is my best work to date. I feel I grew a lot on this one. I used hair emitters for the cable fray and it worked really well for this purpose.

Lots of other good entries this round.


“Don’t scurvey scuttle us ol’ cap’in!”

If i’d thought about it i’d have modelled it on the HMS Endeavour and not the Golden Hind.

Pure Blender, some textures created in GIMP, and the Jolly Roger was stolen from Ivan!

P.S. Will probably update in a bit, sea, sky and splashes all wrong…

That is one pretty complex ship you go there Rare. I think that the wood material needs some serious attention though. seems really bland, and makes everything look twice as CG.

Heh, based on the small cropped thumbnail of just the flag, I thought rarebit’s entry was a joke. I think its pretty good for a pure entry. Probably spent all your time modeling and less time on materials.

Looks nice… I think this is the most participation I’v seen in a long time on the weekend challenge. Wish I had more time to do something better. GL all and great images this weekend!

Cheers Wefyb, means a lot coming from you!

Let spot the difference commence!


What if … ?
I think you would imagine

I agree! And nice entry, I didn’t notice until you mentioned it:)

@xavvo, nice one! That gave me a smile:)

@deltaray, very nice! I agree, you’ve reached a new level with this one…keep it up!

@rarebit, amazing! Impressive amount of detail. I think you get the most modeling award this week!

Lots of excellent entries and original ideas!

I know, necro posting is bad, but… I googled “game emblem” today and selected images, guess what topped the list that I thought was rather cool (and worth mentioning):