This week’s theme: Impossible To Overlook
Challenge #626
Pure Entries
A Four Leaf Clover that I Overlooked Before
Open Entries
Red riding hood ghost
Non-competing Entries
This week’s theme: Impossible To Overlook
Challenge #626
Pure Entries
A Four Leaf Clover that I Overlooked Before
Open Entries
Red riding hood ghost
Non-competing Entries
god dammit why did evivi have to be under me… i think mine looks great but not in contrast to yours…
well done, you got my vote.
I’ll move you to open if you prefer?
na it wont affect the outcome anyway. the point was that evi’s entry was impressive…
Sorry for saying that, but I didn’t get GPS14’s point. What are you trying to say there?
It has the most votes so I assume that it must have something there.
The point was that skunks are hard to overlook because of their smell.
Like macktruck6666 said: “look mom, no hands”. Very nice:-)
Are those wall tiles based on a texture? They look like blue glass bricks - but you probably wouldn’t use these for a rest room wall… (On the other hand, that would fit the theme perfectly ;-))
I hope for the walkingstick that at least a few birds will fail to see it
If you don’t mind me asking: Is that green energy thing based on geometry or how did you create that? It looks quite different in the preview screenshot. Looks nice!
If a microbe looked at a dirty CD, this might be what it would see
Jokes aside - great job. Like it a lot.
I had some trouble finding the right words for that theme.
“elephant in the room” was one of my early ideas!
I guess they will jump out of the box (screaming) the moment you walk along. So: definitely impossible to overlook
Very nice. With shallow depth of field setting and more focused lighting (e.g. dark background + spot on the plant) you could probably increase the effect (‘one spacial leaf’) even more.
Great one - as always!
I should have chosen “Impossible to Oversmell” as a theme. I guess that would have been fun
My vote went to this one. I really like the idea and execution. Do you mind me asking how you did the zipper? Did you use an Array&Curve-Modifier for that?
This would probably make a good animation Actually, I expected more entries in this direction.
The room temperature starts dropping as soon as you look at that one Very nice! Did you use particles for the snow hanging from the trees?
It is alway fascinating that (without technical help) we would not even be able to see things as big and powerful as that. Makes you think about what else may be out there
Great entries everyone. Looking forward to next week!
I discovered it by accident… so here is the blend file, i took away everything else cause i could not upload it… since the file was too big, anyway, the effect does NOT happen in the 3D view, it happens in the compositor…
if you just do a quick 50 sample render, put it stright into the node editor, and use backdrop.
you will see 3 rows of nodes, the top row only generates a black and white image that i use as factor, cause i only wanted the glare to affect the streak…
but i also wanted the character and the lamp to glow, so i added another row with glare nodes…
so yeah, top row is a BW to separate the two different glares, the second row is the extreme glare that only affects the streak (low threshhold), and the 3rd row is just a regular glow glare for the rest of the scene.
EDIT: i mixed the 2nd and 3rd row, the 3rd row is for the lightstreak, and the second row is for the glow on the lamp/character
lightstreak BA.blend (2.14 MB)
well probably hard to “oversmell” eyy?
never mind…
Wow this competition is realy close!
Actually my first time im close to winning. I probably won’t, but it’s still good to see.
@Helge: I was going to call mine ‘the elephant in the room’, but then realized no one ever mentions it
@ Helge: thanks! You’re correct about the zipper. I first modeled the fabric pieces then selected the outer edges, duplicated them and converted to curves. These last were used to deform/guide the arrayed zipper with the curve modifier.
I realy love RobertT’s work.
Next week we won’t have a chance thanks to him
And… The winner of Weekend Challenge 626 with over 23% of the votes… is… GPS14!
Here’s to all the great participators…
TazDevyl : 0 : 0% 3dnotguru : 0 : 0% finalbarrage : 0 : 0% Evivivi : 5 : 19.23% fcharr : 3 : 11.54% Gakos : 2 : 7.69% Crymsyn : 2 : 7.69% Winterlaw : 1 : 3.85% <b>GPS14 : 6 : 23.08%</b> mik1190 : 1 : 3.85% eyalmu : 4 : 15.38% opulenthawk : 2 : 7.69%
Thanks for explaining what is going on there. And thanks for uploading the example - that helped a lot. I tend to forget what can be done with the compositor. I really should try this more often.
Nice to know I was on the right track there. Array+Curve can save so much time - which really comes in handy if a weekend is all you have
Congratulations! Great job! Nice to see another animal-entry win
Just in case you are still thinking about the new theme: as I didn’t take part this week, I put some time into compiling a list of all previous weekend-contest themes. Most of it was generated automatically - so there might still be errors in it - but maybe it helps you decide. Have fun!
The list was to long for a single post, so now you can find it here:
What’s up with weeks #499.1 through #499.9? Was anybody active back then who knows the story behind that?
@Helge thanks, thought I deserved better than that this week. LOL. Congratulations GPS14 nice render.
You definitely deserved better this week! I guess we can blame the fact that on the one hand the ‘one vote only’-system usually needs more votes in order to get rid of random effects and show a clean result. And on the other hand entries which require the voters to know the images background (movie/scene) always tend to have a hard time being appreciated. Redrum. Redrum. Redrum!