Challenge #69 Entries (03/10/03) CLOSED

Theme #69 for 3 October 2003 is: Music

…as in music you can see. Ideas to get people thinking: musical instruments, musicians, singers, performers, music equipment, birds singing, radios, cd/tape/record players, speakers, microphones, you get the idea, anything that somehow relates to music…

Entries closes at 2100 GMT -5 Monday, 6 October 2003.

oo! oo! placeholder! [!] >>entry is on page 2, or click the link>>:

Place holder. I’m in! :smiley:

Here it is…music.
Click the thumb for a larger version.

Here´s my entry: call it The Freak Show.
Pure Blender
Full Image:

:o daaancing… that’s my thing.


Here it is :slight_smile:
(sorry, not my normal host, so no thumb.)

---------------->:D Click Me :D<----------------------
Old bells in the tower of a church. Hope you like it :slight_smile:

Cya BackiZ

Don’t Rest!

The first law of rockin’ is: DON’T STOP ROCKIN’!

Placeholder… just for the heck of it.

And here it is. I call it “Audience all ears”:

Bigger verison here: Click please

All Blender, expect for some textures and the sign glow which I added afterwards in PSP.

placeholder… Sounds fun, I’m in



sorry all, Lan Party came up so i’m not gonna have time


dont forget meee! gona win soon…

hard topic, just not inspired enough yet, if i enter a movie, can it have audio?

if i enter a movie, can it have audio?

Only stills i thought. Otherwise you can’t enter…

Well, this is my first work with no cel shading…so I feel kinda awkard when I see it:
Everything was made from scratch for this entry, except for the singer, who’s a modification of an older character I made. Also, some textures are from GTA3, and others from Imageafter.
Musicians are born in many places…including basements.

Skeletor, you can always do what I did on the WildWest theme, and enter a non competing entry.

Hi, :smiley:
In charge of music, at least this should be meaning of this picture. In case of interest- there is 40 lights in the scene.
[!] For full size [!]

Here’s my pure NON-competing entry called “Rehearsal”

Totally Blender (2.28c), only procedural textures were used. You may notice some “photo grain” effect in the image. A small percentage is due to jpeg compression, the rest is intentional. I had known you could add textures to lamps, so I tried small cloud textures on certain lamps in the scene for a grainier look. Not much of the grain seems to have survived jpeg compression. Looks better uncompressed of course :wink: Well, between that and the slight jpeg compression (5%) there’s an interesting side-effect: a little sense of depth-of-field in the seating behind the conductor. :smiley:

I look forward to seeing the other entries for the weekend challenge.


I am calling it done. Slightly GIMPed with the noise. Otherwise Blender. Will have thumb presently. And here it is.

this is gonna be the first weekend challenge I’m actually gonna do something for :smiley:
in other words:

argh… thought this contest was running till thursday :frowning:
I guess I’d show my wip renders then (there was gonna be a guitarplayer on it too)

Wall Of Sound




if i could leave an anonymous message, i’d make a joke about it being challenge 69 :smiley:

anyway this is not a placeholder.