Challenge #781 (08/06/18) Entries CLOSED

@TomZed … nice moody scene. Since the streetlight is not really visible through the fog it looks as if the man is about to be abducted by aliens to me. Mainly due to that typical three light UFO pattern. ^^

When I saw the theme I thought “Astiero’s style would fit this theme pretty well.” It seems I was right :slight_smile:
You transferred the mood nicely.

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I have been trying stuff for 3 hours and nothing seems to be clicking… I kind of want to try something different than silhouettes as well as I’ve been doing too many of those. If anyone has any extra ideas let me know!


Pure entry. Cycles 500 samples, procedural textures and volumetric, compositing in Blender.

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Alone With My Secrets
Competing, Pure, Cycles, 512 Samples, Denoising, Post-Pro in Compositor

This ends my 4+ week hiatus from BWC, and it feels good to be back. :slight_smile:
I kinda ran out of inspiration and just threw together a piece based on what I was thinking about at the time, which happened to be cardistry.
I’m terrible with organics and characters so I decided to with a modern art sculpture…thing. :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh, the card is based on House of Playing Card’s Summer Edition Light Blue NOCs, hence the color scheme, though I think I need to brush up on my color theory.

Great entries so far, I look forward to many more.

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“Into The Dark”

Awesome entries so far, here’s my open and competing entry, rendered with 399 samples.

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@DM9 Thanks ! Indeed I tried to give the scene a more sci-fi look with these colours and lights, but I had not planned to put aliens here :sweat_smile:
I really like your image and composition, it fits very well with the theme alone. :wink:

“Lonely at the top”

non-competing (pure), cycles (512 samples + denoising)


Well I was hoping to not have to take this one over to my desktop pc but I guess I am going to have to. Can’t even preview render without hitting an out of memory error on the laptops. LOL So I guess I will be heading over to the desktop at some point today to give it a render and see what tweaks I might need before posting something here. Liking the entries so far everyone.

how did you make the snow?

This is my PURE entry “Alone in vast ocean”.
Who can be more alone than the volleyball ball drifting in the ocean?
Sky and ocean both using volumetrics so it take 4h to render. Armature used for ball shaping. It was a nightmare to model balls stitches with low RAM but I did it. Ball is texture painted. I created new Tom Hanks hand shape texture based on photos from the movie to make it more “pure”. Cycles 64s. Only built-in modifiers used. Too much sun glares and flares used too :slight_smile:


@3dnotguru as soon as I seen yours I immediately shouted “WILSON!!!” Nice rendering. Mine should be on the way soon. It is crunching as I type on my desktop PC since it has the power and has been feeling left out as of late.

This is going to be my entry I spent a while trying to come up with ideas and after scouring the internet I got some inspiration and decided to go with this. Not sure how much time I will have to add or change anything to it. This is going to be.

Open entry, cycles 300 samples and denoise. Textures used is the reason behind the Open Entry
Going to call this one…

“Left Behind”

Poor little teddy was left behind all alone when the impending storm started approaching and his owner packed up and left in a hurry.


To be honest, that part was surprisingly simple.

The mesh is just a simple bunch of subdivided polygons. And the material is rather unspectacular as well. :slight_smile:

Looking at it now, I would probably set this up a little differently - but it was 4:00AM in the morning when I started adding the snow - and taking that into account, I’m happy with the way it turned out.

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Title: Pimmie Pammie. Pure GreasePencil.

Not very happy with my entry, but I haven’t got the time to work on it any more right now.
Pure and competing.
“Never Alone”


Beyond Our Solar System
Pure (The procedural background isn’t mine, but I altered it’s node groups quite a bit to count as my own work. Fiddling around with the background took the longest, and I still say it could be improved.)

Cycles + compositing, 1024 samples


My pure entry for this week: “Lone Ronin”.

1000 samples no compositing

its rushed but the katana was what I made first and it is much more detailed


Pure entry

After scrapping a few started ideas I ended on this idea, I actually wanted to sculpt a human or so but unfortunately still need loads of practice with that, so ended up making this “Humanoid” type of thing piece by piece which also took ages(not sure if I chose the right horse there.)
I know it’s not perfect but at least I can make him dance.
Unfortunately making the file type jpeg made some of the lighting especially the left side a bit boxy which is disappointing since the lighting plays a big role in the image, the png version is better.

But anyway I learned a lot again so I’m happy with that :slight_smile:



Lonely Beacon

Took a while to render, volumetrics on a laptop doesn’t seem to be a good match :slight_smile:
