Challenge #822 (22/03/19) Entries CLOSED

Tilte: Orange
Pure Entry. Competing
Done in Blender 2.8 cycles. HDRi from Haven hdri. Some color correction in Affinity.


Loss of Altitude

Pure - Rendered with eeve

I took the backgroung image from here:


Lots of variety in the entries so far. It’s hard to choose a favorite. Here’s mine:

Domino Helix
Pure entry

Rigid body physics and a little bit of Python scripting. Not sure if it comes across in a still image, but it looks cool in motion. Maybe I’ll render a full animation later.


Thank you, my goal is to make timelapses from now on and see my progress. Metaballs IMO work way better in blender 2.80. You can connect them to existing mesh and transform them to new mesh(somewhere in video where i added mouth). I wonder what character can you make with “meatballs” :smiley:

This can work to haha :smiley:

You can almost fall into the image :wink:

It reminds me Kerbal Space Program :smiley: awesome job!

“Gravity Lessons by Wile E.Coyote”
Pure entry.

We all know how this is gonna end for the poor fellow…


I didn’t had time :frowning:
Anyway, here’s my entry, non-competing i guess…
“This time I cant fail”
Only Blender. 4320x2160, 512 samples, 20 minutes in a 1080ti in e-cycles.
All modeled this weekend except the human (mixamo),and all the materials were procedural.
Great entries all!!