Challenge #858 "disappointing superpowers" (29/11/19) Entries CLOSED

The Hero that can never type Whatsapp messages because his fingers are too big.

Rendered in Cycles with 128 samples, Pure.
This turned out better than I expected. I used the modeling cloth addon.


Oh ya it’s on like donky kong. :crazy_face::dizzy_face::no_mouth::drooling_face:

Thought I would try something I haven’t done for a change. :grin:

Here’s my entry

" The power of self doubt "

Cycles 128 samples pure


New Character sculpted


Composited in blender

My custom interactive skin shader is on the character


On the matter of typos: dought or doubt? :slight_smile:

Doubt, misspelled was tired when I was working on it Lol. :grin:
The character is so doubtful it forgot to spell right lol. :grin:

That is why I wasn’t sure. It could have been on purpose just as well. (Especially since we had that little glitch with the theme.) :slight_smile:

@Millani Love this!!

“If the world’s superpowers like the USA and Russia wanted to prevent global warming, they could. If they wanted to end wars, they could. If they wanted to eliminate hunger and guarantee a reasonable living standard for everyone, they could.”

This reminded me of a Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson lecture I attended in 2017.
The question of what he would do to fix our problems if we made him our global leader was raised.
His reply surprised me!
Paraphrasing that response -
Don’t place hopes in a leader to solve these issues. They won’t know all the answers. Instead people should collectively work together and come up with the solutions. Then the people should hold our “leader(s)” accountable to implement them.

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although it would be faster, easier and cheaper just to let it to the market. you know, just write off the “leaders” and stop offloading our moral/ethic responsibilities. let freedom stretch its legs a bit, for a change.

Always found Hong Kong Fuey to be a little disappointing, very poor effort, Spot the cat always solved the crimes.

As always ran out of time.
Spent about 2 days on this in total, but as usual learned loads and had fun.

Never ceases to amaze me when the shape finally emerges from the initial sculpt or vertex tweak…



totally agree. just brush them off, and make sure we don’t rebuild them. and then, enjoy the end of all misery ( i mean, poverty is rapidly decreasing on the last twenty years, even with all the effort central banks and politicians put towards stopping this, so…)

I guess we just have to worry about global warming then. capitalism will deal with poverty.
just gotta make sure governments stop wasting resources and burning coal, and we’re all set!
just wanted to share some good news, on this world full of bad ones. here is a site were you can watch a realtime view of those graphs: