Challenge #867 "music" (31/01/20) Entries CLOSED

Welcome on board! On the matter of accountability: You can always upload concepts / WIP images and update your entry post later. Sometimes this helps to keep things going.

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@Helge, oh, yes, forgot to precise. Uhm, let’s use the first one.


Thank you for clarifying :+1:

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Hello to everyone, my images are PURE, (I candidate the first one for this contest) I hope to improve soon. I used only 2 textures, the rest is procedural. There is more modeling than it seems anyway. Had fun to make it, despite i am not good with materials
Cheers to all :slight_smile:
I forgot that I have been told to say that the texture is a wood from Carelia :slight_smile:


going into the final render. hope I can make it on time hehe

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I modeled everything and I was updating my PC at the same time to see if it would help with the problem I woke up my PC rebooted and I go in to do auto recover to bring the file back up and all the auto save file are gone. :unamused::no_mouth::dizzy_face::grimacing:

I open the file I saved before I started finishing modeling and rendering and the 2 models I needed are not there so I skip the modeling and render the scene go back to sleep wake up and my PC froze again. :unamused::no_mouth::dizzy_face::scream_cat: Oh well.

Have to do alot of research to fix it, disk is at 100% now, it’s alot of work trying to lower your resources when you don’t have the money to fix it . :sweat_smile:

Pure Entry, Cycles 2.79
“Pan Flutin’”



Very nice theme for this weekend so I wanted to share my idea… Hope there will be fans of Joy Division :smile:

Everything modeled by myself so PURE. Cycles.


what kind of computer do you have? you mention freezing and your computer rebooting: this could be due to overheating, is it possible your computer has too much dust in it? Another issue I can think of is if you have a mechanical hard drive that is on the verge of dying.

Its an hp notebook quad core about 4-5 years old
Its a hardware problem I tried running a bio scan on the system on startup and it stops with a failure the number code is for synaptic and keyboard.

I thought I fried one of the processors, but they are all working when I render an image don’t have anything to check the heat to see if its over heating.
There’s no virus I scanned it before it started acting up and it never goes on the net I bought it strictly for blender and such.
I’m going to run a hardware scan and fix to see if it will work while I render an image in blender… :thinking:

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sounds quite messy. I have a grudge against HP: I found them to be a mediocre company that sells mediocre products. anyway, back on topic -> on my computer, I have gpu-z.

it should work on a laptop as well…

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When I get back into work again I’m getting a gaming PC need something that can hand my workflow in blender.
I’m getting ready to move everything onto external hard drive a little at a time

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here’s my entry:
“that song”
open - cycles

so context: everyone had that feeling, once. when you are hearing “that song”. that is an approximation of what I felt the fist time I heard this song:

as always, it didn’t turned out exactly as planned ( hair grooming on blender keeps trying its best to be the number 1 pain of my existence), but I’m pretty content with the result.
(my first idea was flagged as nsfw, so this is a slightly edited version. if you wanna see the original, here it is):