Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.
“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week.”
The thought proccess. Can I think of worse days? Yes, 9/11, Hiroshima a childs coffiin, a bat cage above a Pangolin cage in a wetmarket; but these are “tragic”, “horrific” days. A bad day is eg: an insummountable pile of paperwork at the beggining of the day. So, my citera where, maximum disappointment for the largest number without any fatalities. No presents at Christmas worked for me. Keeping it topical was just a bonus
Pure entry, Cycles render, 64 samples & compositor denoising in 2.90.1. Central composition, 1x1 aspect ratio. Used Sapling Tree Gen, one of Blender’s included Addons. I wanted volumetric fire on the trees, but couldn’t get it to work. Thing I did for this that I’ve never done in Blender before: pretty sure I’ve never used a hemispherical emission object with a procedural fire material, and getting a gradient fadeout where I wanted it was enough of a pain that I’m positive I’ve never done that.
I spent days trying to get volumetric fire on the trees to work (and to look like what I was going for, the California wildfires, although honestly I didn’t get that far) before settling for procedural emission materials.
Appreciate it! Especially putting “prewitt” in your post text – it wasn’t quite legible in the image, took a bit of googling to find it was an type option of the Filter Node. Thanks!