This week’s theme: Remnants
Which entry would you like to see win?
(If you cannot decide, pick up to 2.)
- 2Rock
- david.speer
- OrganicAdapter
- wamwig
- Xeofrios
- Karmon
- catblue44
- fcharr
- KickAir_8P
0 voters
After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared: The voting will close on: Wed, Oct 28, 2020 11:00 PM.
The winner picks the theme for next week.
If the winner doesn’t supply a theme before Thursday 22:30 GMT, the organizer will select the theme. In this case, the winner’s theme will be used the next time we are lacking a theme on Thursday 22:30 GMT.
Having selected the theme, the winner will not be eligible to enter that week. They may however still submit an image, but it won’t be included in the voting.
Pure Entries
• 2Rock: Ozymandias
• david.speer: Knowlege Stone - Friend
• OrganicAdapter: Anubis
• wamwig: End of the cheese kingdom
• Xeofrios: Shards
• Karmon: Remnants
• catblue44: Scavengers Port
Open Entries
• fcharr: The Landscape
• KickAir_8P: Suzanne - Remnant of My Beloved
(Open because the moon texture is NASA’s.)
Non-competing Entries
• Helge: Creator of Remnants