Change TAB pie menu

I’m using Blender 3.2.2, and when I tap the tab button, this pie menu appears:

Before, tab button changed between edit mode and object mode, and I prefer it like that, so I wanted this pie menu to stop opening just by tapping tab button. It started appearing recently, after installing hard ops and boxcutter addons, so I’m not sure if those add ons made the tab button work this way.

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If the tab menus are being operated by other add-ons you’ll have to go to those add-ons and disable either the add-on itself or settings that they may provide to individually disable those operator hotkeys.

To disable the pie menu through the ‘default’ add-on that comes shipped with Blender, type “pie” as a search term, then under the add-on called Interface: 3D Viewport Pie Menus, disable Mode Selection Pie: Hotkey: 'Ctrl Tab'.

I doubt it’s the default add-on though, since its pie menu hotkey is Ctrl+Tab, not Tab. Pre-Blender 2.8 versions had it hotkeyed to the latter though.

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Did you install Machin3 tools? It changes TAB to call the Pie menu, overriding the usual Tab function…


that solved it, thanks!!!

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