Changing the eye color of an image texture

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to change the color of just the iris of an image texture without affecting the pupil?

For example, I want to make the iris of this image texture blue or green or any other color. Is this possible?

Any help is very much appreciated!

Or should I just do it in photoshop?

Just play with it a little:


Thank you very much for your reply.

I will give it a go :slight_smile:

Two simple (-ish) ways:

However note that Colorramp (while easier to handle) basically colorizes greyscale image, which destroys color variation


Thank you very much for your reply.

I will give this a go as well :slight_smile:

I just wandered here wondering :smile:
What colour are you going for?

You have two excellent options so far, here’s a third:

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What about using the hue/saturation/value node? There is actually one included in the material editor.


@joseph I love your “Night Wing” Blender Theme :smiley:

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There is, but I like the granular control of being able to do whatever I want with the values. For example, you could use a MixRGB node set to overlay instead with my setup, which would allow you to give a very subtle color change

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Thanks! It’s this one here:

I’ve been searching for my perfect theme for a long time and I think I’ve finally found it. I especially love that checkboxes are filled all the way in with this theme.

I don’t, however, agree with the theme creator on the font. I don’t think monospace fonts are good for interfaces. I believe I’m using Fira Sans instead

Blue, Purple, Orange - many, not just one :slight_smile:

Thank you guys so much for your replies!

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