I’m trying to wrangle a scene involving fire and smoke fluids. The problem I ran into is that the smoke hits the top of the domain and gets clipped. That’s fine, but no matter what I try, I don’t seem to be able to make the domain larger - it ends up stretching the volume.
The cube driving the domain in the working scene has a scale of X:22, Y:22, Z:30. I really just wanted to ensure enough vertical space by making the scale in Z 60 and rerunning the simulation, but as mentioned, the fluid gets scaled in all three axes.
I’ve tried hunting for answers here and in the docs, without luck. Is there a general answer that I’m missing?
You should apply the scale on the domain cube by hitting ctrl a and choosing scale. The scale on (all) objects, should be 1,1,1. This is called applying the scale, and is considered a best practice. After that re-bake the simulations.
Yeah, I did that and my box seems to end up this tiny little thing, as though the apply scale resets the transform rather than applying it, which confused me. Here’s the source scene that I have been learning from :
You are using an adaptive smoke domain, which means the domain size will grow according to how much smoke has been created. This option is generally faster and better than just making a large static sized domain, but you do lose the ability to manually set the domain size. Don’t have much time now to fiddle with it, but short fix is to uncheck ‘adaptive smoke domain’, resize the domain to exactly what you want (make it large enough to accomodate the max amount of smoke) apply the scale, and then re-bake.