Making new character and testing with shape keys

love the character hate the cloth hehehe, awesome job!
Thank you! Yeah, i gonna work on cloth more later, planing to simulate it, not sure how it will work out yet
Small cloth simulation test. Blender is keep surprising me!
Download mocap animation for cloth test
Sweet. I didn’t expect the cloth simulation to be that good in blender. Got to test it out.
Nice, looks really great. I’ve been getting similar results while using it for animation.
I keyframed a family long dance sequence and it worked well. The slower scenes I’m working with now tend to be a little harder to nail down.
Glad to see it works well with pants and a shirt. I used a dress and hoodie in my character and I have a few issues I need to iron out. (Pun intended)
If you’d like to bounce ideas back and forth, feel free to ask.
Great work! I highly recommend garment tool addon for modeling cloth, its amazing.
I facing troubles with cloth bouncing too much with fast animation like that, its especially became noticeable when i added collar for shirt.
I love the dancing animation
The clothSim on that mocap looks amazing! Congrats.
The character looks pretty dope as well!
The rig looks very good. If you don’t mind me asking, is that manually built from scratch or an addon (Rigify, AutorigPro)?
Thank you! It is automatic rig from mixamo, i’m planning on doing my own rig from scratch, this one is not good for keyframe animation, need to learn a lot tho
I have the Auto-Rig Pro addon, totally recommend checking it out. The developer’s got a youtube channel with some demos and overviews.
Thank you, ill check it out!
Update on cloth
Sorry for the late reply.
What I did to help with overly bouncy areas of garments was to adjust field absorption, the speed of the cloth, and cloth weight. Sometimes I would have to balance all three in tandem or maybe just adjust one depending ion the area.
Keyframing the collision distance can work wonder too.
Adjusting the cloth’s “Speed” will throw off the natural moment of the cloth so use sparingly.
I was having the same issues with her hoodie, the waist area would move up the torso too abruptly, while bobbing or moving up and down quickly.
I made substantial mprovements from the video I posted above, but will wait for the final renders to update, since even the cycles renders in that minimal scene took a while.
Thank you, its should be very helpful, right now i just sew collar to shirt to prevent at least some bounces. I use eevee for renders, saves lots of time and looks not much worse than cycles in minimal scenes like that.
Here is finished rig, did it from scratch.