Help! The render is supposed to be a character, the character shows fine in rendered mode, but rendering it I get alpha background with particles of white and the character is completely gone.
My guess: DoF enabled, but focal distance not set correctly.
Please ALWAYS supply an example .blend file with any support question. I understand if newbies in this forum forget to do so, but with almost 200 previous posts here you should know better.
alright. i guess you’re right. sorry about that. here’s the file for anyone who can help.
It’s exactly as I said…
Look at the camera settings: You have the F-Stop value set to 0.1, which is kind of crazy low. Set this to something like 5.6.
Then check “Limits” in the camera display settings, so that you can actually see where the focus point is (the yellow cross). Then change the focus distance until that yellow cross is on the character’s front.
BTW, why the super wide-angle lens (18 mm!) for a character shot?
Alas… I so was excited and thought this was the answer. ! But applying your settings in camera mode the squirrel did change but i still cant see his texture. I got it to this level earlier when you mentioned camera by setting it to radius mode. But here he gets all white.
Also as an experiment on another layer I made a red cube and rendered it and it is also impossible to see.
This should be the blender file after adding the changes to the camera settings.
Though actually now the squirrel is working in rendered view, which is an improvement! Thanks so much for looking at this btw.
Have a look at the scene settings: You have set up a white override material…
May I ask: Isn’t that your file?
I find a bit strange that you seem to know so little about what is going on in your own file…:eyebrowlift2:
I am working in a group, we’re making an animation short, which we all started as beginners and so it has been a big undertaking and our crew is now basically just a small handful left. the person working on the animation and rigging of the character worked with this file last. And they are no longer on the team.
I also find I know how to do some things in blender, but there are still lots of things that I don’t know and get thrown for a loop over, though I am trying to bar down this gap some.
But yes now I finally see what is going on. So Thank you! I really appreciate all your help!
Just checked it and its working now!