I spent a while on the materials. What do you guys think?
Rendered in Cycles with 1500 samples.
Post work in The Gimp.
This is how he looked before 6 months ago, when I thought he was finished.
great work. very professional. Disney’s artist wont do much better. I wish I knew how to texture a face like this.
the only thing could be slightly better is the hair. the connection looks a bit fake.
Definitely looks better!
Here’s a look at the viewport, because I like when people post behind the scenes stuff:
(Laughs) The funny thing is, I watched Toy Story 3 again recently which stirred me into revising this character. Thank you! Also, I thought the same thing about texturing, but there really aren’t that many steps involved. The investment is definitely worth the payoff! I see what you mean about the hair roots, there is a very sharp line where they all start, I’ll keep that in mind next time.
@gradyp Thank you!
I will glad if you can post a link to a tutorial for cartoon face texturing, or make a tutorial by yourself. It will be great if I will get to this results like you!
If you can get this course from Blender Cookie, they will go VERY in depth on shaders and lighting in cycles (and in general) http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-courses/shading-pancake-hobo/
Here is another that is in Blender Internal, but it’s free!