Check out my cg products portfolio guys.Cars,furniture,plants+more

Hello again please don’t forget to check out my buyable 3D work link is in recent post just above.

Do not spam please.

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Just doing a little honest advertising no harm…

really check out this link:

My cg products

Please remember to check out my works links are in previous posts.

When you export them to other formats like obj and the like, is there something you do to maintain the textures and color composition? Whenever I export I lose all material data.

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Hey man just like to say this is really amazing stuff meant for great things.

@kyaustad exactly the same blender just doesn’t maintain it as u hope wen exporting but this is why I also sell the image maps as an extra download for customers after buying,this is what turbosquid or any cg market expects you to do and it’s enough people don’t mind,who buy my stuff in obj format. I just make sure I always let people know that the models were originally made using blenders cycles engine so the materials and shaders will only be included in the blender version,in the descriptions area.

Thanks shurik glad u appreciate my things.

And to others please do check out my buy-able cg models
here’s the link again My portfolio

Moderation: Please do not bump your thread simply to advertise your models. That’s not what the Finished Work forum is for.

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I don’t remember clearly but when I first put these posts up another moderator moved this thread to here

Here’s another addition to my stuff (to moderators,I realised what was meant by bumping my thread,apologies,I’ll just be updating this thread with literally new models I add nothing else that’s a promise:)

Concept styled SUV

Seriously take a look around. The models you post here are far away from what I consider high quality. You should invest the time you take to model all the stuff you do, to improve you modeling skills and in regards of cars also your knowledge of form language and car design. For being real cars your vehicles lack in detail and look like you just built something without any plan beforehand. And the renders of them are just plain boring.
Look on turbosquid and you will see what high quality assets look like. This business is hard and if you want to suceed you really have to up the ante. Trust me, I work in the business for 5 years now and I try to improve in almost every project because I take a look around and see what others are doing, am stunned and try to find out how they did it. No mean to offend just my honest opinion

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Thanks no offence taken.This is my turbosquid portfolio stuff and I’ve been doing it a while myself and not doing too bad.I have no doubt one should improve upon skill but these cars for example were intended in this concepty early sketch style as th descriptions would say and well are doing me nicely as regards to selling u see the idea in this saturated 3D market/s is to be unique and it’s pulled me through even if u don’t c much use in my stuff trust me many others are buying from me and finding it useful in their projects and it’s nice.

A nice little addon to one of my car models that was made for people on a low budget,added is a nice little real world scale and self designed house.Also the car has been re-scaled to a realistic size too,roughly similar to a small smart car. 9v3

Another nice little concept style vehicle for those on a low budget.
pls check it out and the rest of my stuff too hope u like it.

concept commuter vehicle

Here’s version 2 of the above hope u all like it.
Version 2

Hey guys remember to check out my things here’s some of my latestCompact sports car 1

Bar stool 2

The thing about modelling, is that there are literally thousands of them. If your models are not the best,or cheap enough to not matter, then no matter how much “advertising” you do, then you’ll never get anywhere.
Also, you offer no models that anyone needs. Nobody wants a compact electric car, especially when there is little detail.a


“…models that no one needs.” Actually being original in this saturated 3d modelling world has done me well it’s what is basically needed in a market already full of many people making the same real licensed cars every one can do that but trying hard to design original things goes a long way I’m telling u from experience and I’m sticking with it cos it work is what I’ll say like I’ve sed 2 many and finally never rest on th idea that no one needs this or that,if u hav a good idea then make it and test th waters it’s all about takin that first dive nd u learn so much from it.

designing something when you have no experience with actual engineering, and then selling it for the prices you sell it at, is pointless. There are a few good things, such as the bar stools, but i think that this sort of modelling should be purely to improve skills, not sales.

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Not much to say except there’s no necessary engineering needed if u click th link you’ll find the site i’m selling on has many more of my stuff,all sorts of people buy from here from game designers to simply graphics hobbyists many are interested in my things for their use even if you don’t find it useful many out there do. The prices on here are the prices people are prepared to pay,it’s a norm,whether it’s me or other vendors on th site we carefully price through research trust me it works and I and I’m sure many of the others mean no funny business…