I’m trying to have the dumbo octopus that I have here be semi-transparent, but on alpha blend it results in weird artifacts. The same thing shows up too in Substance Painter. The end goal is for this to be in Unity, while I haven’t tried it in Unity yet, I’d suspect it will look the same with Alpha blend. Here’s the file: dumbo_help.blend (2.9 MB)
The geometry seems fine to me, I can’t figure out what causes this. I know it’s due to sorting issues with what polygons to render first. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.
I believe it only happens in material preview mode, which uses Eevee.
You’re using Cycles, you won’t see them in final render.
But if you want to fix them, switch to Eevee renderer and change the alpha mode:
Thanks but I was looking for a solution in alpha blend using eevee. Although I’ve finally gotten the chance to try rendering this object in Unity, and have gotten an acceptable result using Alpha blend while disabling two-sided rendering. This is the equivalent of using both “show backface” and “backface culling” in blender, though it doesn’t have the checker pattern issue.