Checkpoint - Backup and Version Control for Blender

The last version control you will ever need!

Stop making random copies of your Blender project AND forgetting about what’s exactly in them.

With Checkpoint, you get an integrated manager for all your backups right inside Blender, allowing you to effortlessly save as many versions as you want and with proper descriptions!

:fire: Get it right now on Gumroad:

:zap: Supercharged :zap: version is available on pre-sale for 30% OFF!

Future Releases Roadmap

  • Checkpoints for individual objects :floppy_disk:
  • Auto updater :arrows_counterclockwise:
  • Cloud services integration :cloud:
  • Handle multiple projects under the same folder :file_folder:
  • Changelog panel displaying the changes made since the last checkpoint :pager:
  • Custom Icons :cupcake:
  • Checkpoints for materials, nodes, modifiers… :sparkles:
  • [CANCELLED] Automatic incremental version counter in each checkpoint, with control for major versions (v1.0, v1.1, v1.2… v2.0, v2.1… etc) :x:
  • [CANCELLED] Control over packed resources for each checkpoint :x:
  • [CANCELLED] Display preview image of the checkpoint :x:

:speech_balloon: For troubleshooting and updates on the status of the roadmap, join our Discord:


pretty cool will probably buy… but man , blender really needs to provide a better ui modules for developers. this would be one of those addons which would be perfect for a custom ui in its own window


Right?? When I started developing it, I thought it was possible to make a custom property tab, even made a neat icon for it:

Sem título

Sadly that’s not possible yet through the Python API

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That looks awesome!!
I am tired till death from all this versions!
Want to have nice and clean file!!
Purchased Supercharged without hesitation!
Really hope It works stable :sweat_smile:
I have had a couple of cases where the power went out while saving a file, and the file stopped opening, at such times, the only thing to do is to return to the previous save.
Is this addon able to do some kind of backups for such cases?

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hahahaha glad you liked it Legofon!

It should be very much stable, but if you happen to find a bug, report it to us and we’ll tackle it immediately!

As for your question, I’m afraid it won’t be able to help you on that scenario. Checkpoint relies on the user to save each new version, and it basically makes a copy of the file AFTER it has been saved. (I guess we could make a new preference for auto-saving every couple of minutes… We’ll definitely think about that!)

Although, if your file stops opening, you can still pick up where you left by simply saving another blank project in the same folder. Checkpoint will be able to read previous saves and then you can load you latest backup, so no worries there!

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I have already had a chance to test the addon and it works great!
I really love the fact that you can easily go back in time and copy items from or to it. It’s so fast and convenient!

Regarding reliability, that’s the key factor! Nobody wants to f*cked up working on a big project, some of them take months to work on.
So getting into a situation where you can lose everything because a file won’t open is an extremely scary scenario :sweat_smile:
So any security measures are very important!
Thank you for the great addon! Waiting for the Supercharged features!

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Hey @Flowerboy_Studio
I have a suggestion/request, it will probably be technically difficult to implement but it would be very cool to have something like that.
As far as I understood the Supercharged version would contain Checkpoints of individual objects, materials, modifiers but it doesn’t say anything about collections,
When working with large projects, updating specific collections or the ability to go back and replace an entire block of collections, this is very relevant.
A classic example is Architecture.
(Suddenly you need to go back to an old model and replace all the windows and doors with doors from later versions).
How do you think creating checkpoints for collections is possible?

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Definitely possible!

I’m working on the feature for individual objects right now, and from what I have I think it would actually work with multiple selected objects just as well

I’m thinking of making it an option in the Outliner, where you can right click the desired object/collection, click on “Manage Checkpoints”, and then a modal shows up where you can manage the checkpoints:


Or maybe just have the actions right out

What do you think?

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I think this is a great idea!
I think its a most logical way how to do this at the moment!

Also, I have small feedback according to current version, if you dont mind.
In general everything works perfect, but there is some annoying thins which I think could be improved.

  1. I think, will be great to add the ability to overwrite the checkpoint.( I am saying about behaviour of File> Save)

Often I have to save just to insure from crash - this is common practice.

Now, when start the save function, it starts to create a new checkpoint.

It seems to me that it would be more logical if the checkpoint replaced the function, “save as”, instead of “save”

And when you choose a command to save, the current checkpoint is simply overwritten.

For example, I am saving quite often, and I do not really want to create a new version every time, it creates unnecessary checkspoints that are not meaningful, and in addition take extra space on disk.

That’s why I think it would be logical, if the command

“save” would update the last (active) checkpoint, and “save as” would add a new one.
Also before completing working day or when preparing final files, I am saving quite a lot after each preparation step (probably because of paranoia to lost something) But I don’t really want to save checkpoints, so update checkpoint is most logical in this situation.

I think this is the most important thing from the list suggestion below is not so valuable but very appreciated

  1. I really like the function that indicates the time of the checkpoint creation, it is very cool and allows you to track the time, but it is a pity that after the 1st hour it stops showing the minutes. i.e. all the checkpoints after 1 hour, it shows as an hour ago.

  2. After completing a project, it is not always necessary to delete all the steps, you just need to clean up the project.

Some key steps still have to be left to be used later.

It would be cool if you could check all the unnecessary steps and delete them all at once, instead of deleting them one by one. (and confirm deleting just once)

  1. When I disabled the post save dialog (a little annoying that you can not save the file without creating a new checkpoint) , and saved the file, and then reopened it, everything was fine, but after returning to one of the earlier checkpoints I could not go back to the most recent version again, because before jumping to a previous version was not created checkpoint. I think it’s a good idea to have the same “are you sure?” notification as when you delete a checkpoint.

  2. Very cool that the timeline panel collapses, but I really like to see the expanded timeline all the time. It would be cool if in the settings you could select the option Pin, so that the timeline panel is not minimized

Anyway and once again, great add-on, happy that I purchased it. Huge nerve system saver! :grin:

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Amazing feedback Legofon, really appreciate it!

All the points noted seem to be valid improvements, I’ll absolutely work on them right after I’m finished with the next release of Supercharged (Objects & Collections)

The only thing I didn’t quite understand is on number 4:

“When I disabled the post save dialog (a little annoying that you can not save the file without creating a new checkpoint)…”

When the post save dialog is enabled, it doesn’t create a new checkpoint every time you save, it just displays a dialog for you to quickly fill up the description and add a new checkpoint >IF< you click the “OK” button.

If you don’t wish to make a new checkpoint, you can simply click anywhere outside the dialog and it will close and cancel the creation of the checkpoint.

Could you please test it just to make sure that is the case? I’ll try and think of a way to make it more clear in the dialog so future users don’t have the same doubt

Thanks again for the feedback, have a great day!

@Flowerboy_Studio While using checkpoint, is it okay to keep using the powersave addon? Or keep using the blender auto save options? Ive experienced a few crashes and once, after reloading the file, the checkpoints disappeared. Your discord link isnt working btw

For the ones interested, it looks like the add-on isn’t in development anymore. No reply in Discord, and neither here. :peace_symbol: