
This was a weekend challenge entry. Figured I might as well post it here now that the voting is over.

Was rendered in cycles 1000 samples DoF and one lamp along with a HDRI


Please share the glass material node setup

You are going to be disappointed but here you go. A HDRI goes a long way in helping a render and materials out.


“I’m hungry!” :smiley_cat:

Well done. To my eyes, this is a completely convincing depiction of a tasty cake under convincing glass on an also-convincing table. You could tell me that this was a photograph and I would tend to believe you.

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Thank you for the compliment. Kind of weird that almost a year later there are comments being left LOL I had almost forgot about this render.

Can you please send me the HDRI image you used?

Yeah I noticed that too that it’s been posted a year ago. It could have been featured if it had enough views and likes I guess… I was just going through the work of different people on the weekend challenge when I came across this and it’s really good… My glass renders usually don’t turn out as good as yours. So I thought I should ask.


This is where most of the HDR’s that I use come from.

Environment image maps I just create on my own with a camera and a tripod and Microsoft Image Composite Editor.

Could you show the image you used for this render? I’ve tried using HDRs but they don’t give this quality of glass renders.
OR maybe I’m not using them the right way

@Anam_Shahid Here is the same HDRI I used. It is the Hotel Room HDRI

And if you need to adjust the position or rotation of the HDRI for your scene then just add in an input/texture coordinate node into a vector/mapping node then into the image texture of the HDRI

This way you can rotate the reflections and lighting to the area you need it to come from in your scene.

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Yeah, very strange that nobody noticed this nice rendering at the time, it is quite convincing and well done, the strawberries are very realistic to me.
I have a couple of remarks though, the napkin is too regular, too many rounds and not fabric-like (I mean the geometry); the strawberry leaves are not appropriate to a cake, I would not like to eat them.

Well done!

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Thank you for the input even if it is late and the render is finished and put away. :slight_smile: When I did the napkin/towel at the time I didn’t really know much about cloth simulations or ways of making a rolled up natural look so I just rolled it up into a circle and extruded and proportional edited the center where it goes through the holder. Now I would have gone about it completely differently. As for the strawberries it is not completely uncommon to actually have fresh whole strawberries on top as I had used reference images for this project and some of them had leaves still on them some had a mix of both. I think it is mainly due to you can eat the cheesecake and then grab the strawberries to dip in any of the remaining sauce that is drizzled on the cake/plate. The leaves act as an area to hold (even if there is a fork being used to eat the cake)
I will be sure to remember the suggestions on any future food renderings. Thank you again for the compliment and critique.

You’re welcome, the compliments were due, and you don’t need any suggestion; about the leaves, that’s correct that you can easily see some illustrative images like that so you image is valid an suggestive, but I never found that kind of thing in a pastry shop, also because here in Italy most of the time there is a sort of transparent gelatine on over the top of the cake.


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