this is a very humble attempt at animating a typical nuclear explosion…
It looks totally cheesy and unrealistic, but the thing is it’s a long time since i last saw a nuclear explosion
Please tell me the MOST OBVIOUS things that are wrong about the animation, so I can go improving it
Okay, one problem, which may ruin your entire project. Nuclear fireballs rise to almost their full height in several milliseconds. They then rise further into the atmosphere. Not really much you can do on those time frames. The resulting shockwave travels faster than the speed of sound. There are also several levels of power. One could have an explosion like
for a smaller bomb, to a full out thermonuclear explosion like:
Ebay, that’s where I bought mine. BTW, my skin is feeling reallll weirrrdddd. I think it could be the bbomb, it’s sitting under my bed, I figured noone would notice it there.