chemistry set

im working on this scene as part of an intro movie to a show fo r a friend of mine. and i wanted to know your guys opinion. which looks beter?

blender internal


oh by the way i do realize that the chalk scribbles are missing in the yafray version but i can fix that. also the flame is missing but ath can be added in post

but teh reder times for each frame were about the same the blender interanl turned out just a bit longer

The first one.

Also, Yafray isn’t good for animation and OA in regular Blender isn’t good either.

thanks i’ll remember that

definetly the blender one.
lightning =x10 and the fluids just look more… fluid!

Yafray is awesome…but not for EVERYTHING!..

Nice job. That reminds me of a render I saw in 3d world magazine…except I think the render size was like 10,000 pixels by 1,000