
Why use Normal node?

It controls the direction of the dark/light areas of the cherry body.


Can you share the Cherry model with materials?

For the purposes of educational.

Here is the link, enjoy :eyebrowlift:

Thanks !!! :slight_smile:

very nice and realistic render. It´s good looking from far and closer and that´s great. And thanks for sharing your nodes.

Looks really realistic. Thanks for sharing!

I tried to recreate the cherries and stems, as I thought it would be a good project for me because I am still fairly new to using Blender and Cycles, and here is my result. I need to definitely fix the stems but then I hope it comes pretty close to yours. You did an excellent job.

Hi, I’m sure you’ll get there with time. :wink:

Thanks! Sorry I dont mean to monopolize your thread with my renders but since I was just trying to recreate yours I figured it wasnt worth an entire new thread. Thanks!