Chess Battle

I am going to create a movie of a chess battle with like robot warriors and stuff like that. Dump any Ideas, Tuts’, Websites, Anything that you think will even remotley help. It will be the biggest animation I have ever done. SEND ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF.

Somewhere on Blender3D you can find a modelling tut from the Blender conference. Take a look at the noob to pro book and you find many tuts.

Thank you, I do not know any language but English, I have done many of those tutorials. The help is still appreciated.[/img]

well, i don’t really know of any tuts, but a while back a made a chess anim.

Hope it gives u some ideas. :smiley:

I apparently do not have “One or more codecs required to play”?

That’s funny, but I’m going in a different direction, more of a combat sort of thing. Thanks anyway for the laugh.

I have a mech already created for the project, how would I get the hoses to swing as it walks?

You mean like it was soft and it were going to swing? Then just use an armature.

Well, Honestly I have never used an armature, I have only done still images till this point, nothing as a character. That’s exactly what I want though, any tut’s would be great.

Or use softbodies for the hoses.

Aha! I’m writing a tutorial at this moment on how to rig (put in armatures) a character. It will be done shortly, and i will post the link here. :smiley:

I really haven’t ventured too far into softbodies neither. That will be great once that tutorial of yours is done. I will have to get some sort of web page to post my vid on too, once it is finished that is. I’m glad people are friendly and actually helpful in this forum, unlike many I’ve been to.