Chess piece placement

I need to place some chess pieces, but I don’t know how i’m going to get them in the right spot, since i’m using a texture for my chess board. Here’s what I’ve got so far, but is there any way for me to place these guys without it being a complete pain?


If you uvmap the texture to the board it will be visible in the 3d viewport in potatoe (textured) mode.


How would I go about doing that?

I love the video tutorials by the way. I wish they had transcripts, since sometimes I like to skip ahead, but they’re very good.

Another easy way is to add the background image, and make it’s size match that of the board…

To UV map an Image:
1 - Select your plane in Object mode and press F.
2 - Open a UV/Image window, select Image->Open.
3 - Search your image, click it and press Open Image.
4 - Press Alt-F in the 3D window to enter Textured mode.