Hello everybody, this was a kind of work I completed a month ago. I have others saved in my computer.
Please let me know your opinions if it looks good for you, what I must get better. Any tips and critique would help me a lot
Thank you
Hello everybody, this was a kind of work I completed a month ago. I have others saved in my computer.
Please let me know your opinions if it looks good for you, what I must get better. Any tips and critique would help me a lot
Thank you
Well done - did a quick google of the car and it looks very authentic.
Needs an HDRI in the environment lighting. Other than that it looks beautiful! Very nice job!
Thank you for your words. I really like this kind of cars. This car line was very elegant in its time. Maybe you know there are a lot of them riding in Cuba. Now I am working on its compositing and I am going to upload it after completing the render. I would like you let me know what you think about it. Thank you
Thank you for your words. I really like this kind of cars. This car line was very elegant in its time. Maybe you know there are a lot of them riding in Cuba. Now I am working on its compositing and I am going to upload it after completing the render. I would like you let me know what you think about it. Thank you
Thank you for your words. I really like this kind of cars. This car line was very elegant in its time. Maybe you know there are a lot of them riding in Cuba. Now I am working on its compositing and I am going to upload it after completing the render. I would like you let me know what you think about it. Thank you
Thank you for your words. I really like this kind of cars. This car line was very elegant in its time. Maybe you know there are a lot of them riding in Cuba. Now I worked on its compositing and I would like you let me know what you think about it.
Thank you
This looks pretty great already. For the first two shots, if anything could be improved it would be the lighting and reflections. Car manufacturers use warehouses with high ceilings and bounce lighting to set up and control their beauty shots on automobiles you can look up more info on that, I’ve seen some 3D tutorials that demonstrate the effect. This way, you’ll be able to show off more of the white areas on the trunk with beautiful reflection that are all sort of currently merged into total white to the point where even the highlights are getting burried.
Thank you Cancer for your words. Could you suggest me please where to find those tutorials?
Thaks in advance
Yeah, your best bet is probably researching Automotive Photography. I can’t remember where I saw the tutorial where the guy talked about how they show off showroom cars and photograph for TV adverts, probably Digital Tutors somewhere or some chance it was Gnomon. Either way, your better bet is probably just researching Automotive Photography and see how regular photographers and film-makers set up the environments and lighting and just recreate that in Blender. GL, again, renders look great (check out some advertising images of white cars and notice how they are able to get reflections even on the white painted areas)