If you are in the Chicagoland area and use Blender, myself and CG Cookie are starting to plan a few Blender user group meet-ups. We have the first one scheduled for November 12th, 7pm at the The Illinois Institute of Art - Schaumburg IL.
Depending on the success of the first one, we plan to do others at various locations. Each meeting will run about 2hrs with networking, artist demos, and general chat about Blender.
I don’t have a website set up for the group just yet, though I have a Facebook page which will serve as the main communication point for the time being.
Interesting, but if possible events like this should be scheduled on a weekend. Can’t stay up too late if you’ve got to be up early the next day for work.
Too bad I didn’t catch this earlier. In my case I’m in northeast Lake County so it’s just over an hour’s getting over to 45 and cutting over to 53 to head south. I could probably carpool one or two people if anyone was along the way. Schaumburg seems like a more convenient location for those in the western 'burbs than Chicago proper. I guess I’ll have to keep an eye on the Facebook to see if anything else is coming up.
The locale isn’t too bad though. If the event was in the daytime, it’d also be possible to see the elk grove in Elk Grove during lunch or something. Just one of those random diversions as Busse Park is not that far from there. There’s also a Legoland store near Woodfield Mall. (Yeah, I’m a bit of an overgrown kid. Only reason I sorta know that area is that it has the only nearby art store where there’s more in terms of actual art supplies than crafting stuff and frou-frou interior decor stuff. Honestly, Blick’s>Michael’s>Hobby Lobby.)