Chicken Joe...WIP...Walk Cycle REVISED


Thats…um, odd? I guess the setup is Blender only? I’ll have to look into that(what the heck?)

Dont use it for ZBrush I guess :slight_smile:

That was with AO samples set down to 1, when I boosted it to 5, the “snow” disappeared :


Whew, good to know.

Where are the updates? wasnt working for me today. So that held up the updates.

Then, I looked back at them and noticed some little flaws, and will be fixing them tomorrow(spent the rest of today looking for work).

Thanks so much for the info by the way, its been incredibly useful. The cycle looks absolutely brilliant…except for those flaws.

Okay, finally, Ive got those updates for you guys.

Brand new and improved Walk cycle. There are kinks, but nothing too horrific. In order for you to more easily pick apart and critique the cycle, Ive got it in two perspectives this time(generic perpective and side), so there are two files.

Perspective Cycle

Side Cycle

I should probably stabilize his head a bit more, but this is all just practice.

Ha, I’ll quit stalling and post it now :wink: Critique away, sorry for the wait.

Thanks for your time guys,

His legs never fully extend straight on the contact pose. Very odd looking. Also, with the overlap of his hand you have right now is too early and too fast. It’s not overlap right now it’s “prelap”. Just move the keys for the hand rotation a few frames maybe 2-3 [not sure how many frames you are rendering] ahead in time and scale them out a few frames. Another issue I see is balance. You have most of his weight toward the rear. He should be walking backwards.

From the side view especially, what I notice is how stiff his neck is.

Otherwise looks pretty good.


shouldn’t he walk like a chicken? You know, the head movement, like a real chicken or pigeon. That big bill flopping around looks dangerous to bystanders.

PapaSmurf, It looks pretty chicken-like to me. I mean, he’s pretty human, so full head-jerking could be distracting.

Nice work…

Looks pretty good allready. A few things that could be changed imho:

  • When you move the arm from the back to the fron try breaking the joint on the elbow meaning let the elbow move up front of the arm and the hand. If you do this just for a few frame (2-3) it won’t even be noticable but will enhance the flow.
  • The arm swing could be a little bit later timed. In a normal human walk (and I’m aware this is no human so this is just a suggestion for experimentation) the arms are farthest apart after the contact position.
  • The head shouldn’t go so far back. It somehow is contrary. I mean when the guy moves forward you wouldn’t pull back the head so much or else you would fall.
    I have to say it again I allready like the walkcycle and I think it works very well with your character. I think you should work more on the inbetween frames to enhance the flow even more.

Alllright. Back to Blender I guess, thanks for all the comments guys, very helpful. The head moves too much, and I think I get what you mean about arm movement,

Ha, Id forgotten how hard walk cycles are.

Ha, Id forgotten how hard walk cycles are.
I can second that. I just recentyl bought the Animators Survival Kit and I must say it is a great ressource for animation. Half the book talks about different types of walkcycles. (and it is mostly graphics so not too much to read :slight_smile: )

Nice! Is that a book? Can I find it on Amazon or something?

Yes it’s a book written by Richard Williams, who did the animation on “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, among other things.

The book is all “2d” animation, but the principles apply to 3d as well.

Your library might even have it.


I have that book. It’s a good ‘bible’ once you understand the concepts. Many animator’s, including the greats will tell you that they still think walk cycles are hard. That’s the truth. You can say so much in a walkcycle. Finding the balance is important. Don’t animate just to animate. Don’t animate without knowing what your character is thinking. What is his mood? Why is he walking? Things like that improve your animations.

I wouldn’t call it a bible but a very good reference and help. It shows some tricks to improve the flow of your animation.
And as the books says and any good artists says Learn the basics to break out of them when you need to. This is animation so anything goes. It’s not about realism (we have motion capture for that) it’s about making things believable and enjoyable.

Okay, finally got around to tweaking that walk.

The unextended legs were caused by some tweaking Id done to the torso, so that was fairly easy to fix. Tried to make the walk more forward. Messed with the arm flow a bit, trying to soften it up and fix the timing.

And other minor stuff.

Side View:


Nitpick please.

One thing that is really bothering me is that he blinks his eyes synchronos to the walk. I’d break that up a little to make it appear more random.
A thing you might want to try is when the arm moves forward make the elbow stick out to the front more so it basically looks like he broke his arm. This might make it look better, but it might break it. Don’t exeggerate it though. My last walkcycle greatly benefited from this.
Another thing that might make the walkcylce better but this is strictly my personal opinion is give the feet a little sideway swing when they move forward. Sort of like a duck walk.

Hello ! Very good animation :slight_smile:

Just may be less exeggerate the move of the head and body, top to bottom… It would be better, more “realistic”…
