Chicken Joe...WIP...Walk Cycle REVISED

@Musk: Blink: True, Ill work that out. Arms: I’ll try that, Ive been having trouble with that part. Duck Walk: I actually have that, but I’ll exaggerate it a bit more. Thanks!

@dono: Ha, very true, I need to fix that up I guess(Its still basicly just curve work, gotta tune it a bit)

I really like your animations :wink:

hope to see more, and perhap’s a short movie :smiley:

Thanks :smiley: There will be more for sure.

As for a short…we’ll see ;D

The right foot pops when it’s going backward. Coming along nicely. I wouldn’t put a blink in such a short walkcycle.

Awesome, thanks :slight_smile:

Nice walk cycle but I would like to see the rig please. I need experience!:spin:

Sorry to bump,

…actually, no I’m not. This is worth bumping.

I’m bumping this thread because I demand to know…

Still a WIP?
Lost interest because you scored a wacom and discover 2D?

I for one hope he returns…
…or if not…
how about a blend?

Hey man.

While I have been slightly blinded by the arrival of my wacom tablet, Chicken Joe actually fell victim to the merciless Devil that is Windows Vista. After a recent update from windows I opened up Blender to find out that all my files dating back to last november had disappeared… specifically ones in directories within the .blender folder. Its like they were never there. This has happened before, and the files mysteriously returned, but no such luck this time around… Obviously this majorly pissed me off, as I had a lot of very important files there(months of progress in animation, various low poly test scenes, etc), and Im sad to say Chicken Joe was among those lost.

Let this be a lesson unto you, never get Vista. It sucks harder than a gaping chest wound.


Yeah, youre telling me.

Everything gone… Hence my recent lack of activity around here. Dont worry, I’ll be back evernutally, but yeah, Im pretty torn up.

There is another lesson to be learned! Make backups of your files especially the blender once.

Sad to hear that you lost so much.

Oh man… you’re sure the stuff isn’t somehow ‘hidden’ by the OS? If it was every blendfile it would make sense, but just a few going missing is weird…

But I suppose you’ve already thought of that.

Good luck.

@Musk: Very true! I back up everything now…

@blenditall: Im sure thats what it is, but the only access I had to them prior was through Blender, and now all my theme settings and whatnot have been reset(for blender) , so I dunno… hopefully they’ll turn up again.


(must not turn this into a linux thread! must not turn this into a linux thread!)

Man, what a pain in the butt! Ah well, I guess we’ve all had that experience. However, as musk said, the lesson to be learned is to back up early and often.

Ah well…

RIP Chicken Joe…

No joke man! Ha, trust me, in my months since Ive gotten it, Ive had plenty of reasons to hate windows, but Im not ready to make the linux jump… May go mac the next chance I get tho. Windows has not been very impressive these last couple years.

I appreciate your condolances.

Just to be a pain in the … :wink: my windows xp works smooth as anything.
I’d love to take blender on a ride on ubuntu but too many users reported problems on feisty for my taste and I hate to setup dual boots…
Anyway if you have the possibility I’d suggest to use SVN to backup your blender stuff. Basically you setup a SVN Repository for your blender stuff and then you have a versioned history of your blendfiles. You can then just dump this repository on a regular basis and backup the dump to DVD.
If you have a webserver with root access I would even consider putting the svn repository on the remote system.

@Musk: That’s a good tip, and good timing for me.
I was considering writing some python to deal with this, timestamped backups and such, but you’re right; why reinvent the wheel?
(goes to pakage manager to install SVN…)

Nice! Thanks!