Chimes in the wind

Greetings everybody. So this is my first post in the community although i’ve been registered for quite some time. There’s not too much to say about this picture, i’ve just wanted to get back to 3d after a long pause i took from the industrial design career. I was looking for something relatively easy to get back to and, of course, that it was fun for me.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Edit: uploaded a new render considering a few of the suggestions made in the comments.


Really nice image - I love the DOF and model! Constructive Feedback: Maybe crush the exposure a bit - the image is towards the ‘high end’ on the value range (which is fine if you meant that). If you wanted to, you could push the ‘mood’ darker and make a more artistic piece by modifying levels in Photoshop (or blender compositor) - check out any of Gleb Alexandrov’s (Creative Shrimp) tutorials for some amazing shortcuts to create dramatic images.

You can e.g. vignette to pull focus to the focal point in the image, drop the saturation of the background, use a layer mask over an effects layer (like ‘vibrance’) in Photoshop to subtly direct focus, etc etc - there’s a ton of stuff in the post processing phase that can make a great image even greater

I think the image would profit from a calmer background. There is allready plenty of detail in the chimes. The tree in the background makes it a bit overloaded.

Other than that the noise caused by the renderer is quite distracting. You´d probably want to use the denoiser or render with significantly more samples.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

@bartv Awesome, thanks!

@inductible I know post processing has a heavy impact in the final image and i didn’t give the time it deserved. I just grabbed the final render in Photoshop and touched some values like brightness and contrast, not much to be honest. This project was taking longer than expected and i was urging to begin another. I appreciate the feedback :slight_smile:

@Lumpengnom Denoiser it’s a clear no go from what i’ve seen it does to the final image haha.

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If the tree was a little darker and denser, that would help pull your eyes back down to the chimes, and it would naturally also make the glass spheres look better.

Now, what I really want to see is … a peaceful animation. Overlaid with captivating, peaceful sounds like this field full of wind-chimes might make in a gentle breeze . . .

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You’re #featured! :+1:

Inspiring work… Perhaps the bamboo strut holding the chimes is too shiny. Bamboo is not that glossy. Focal ranges look good. Reflections in the chimes really adds to the authenticity of the image.

This is great work. Beautifully poetic. So good to see work that is not robots, fantasy sculpts and guns. My only comment is that I agree that their seems to be too much light compares to the back plate. Check out Filmic colour space theory. Andrew Price also does a good summary.

Fantastic work!

Read about the creation of this scene on BlenderNation: