

I’ve been lurking for a while and thought I’d post a recent rendering and ask for comments. It started with me an attempt to make a realistic-looking tin foil, but it never worked out and became something that looks more like the mylar they make helium balloons out of of. I’m happy with the chocolate – mostly. The top part, the crest of the school the I work for, looks a little too glossy, while the bottom looks a little wooden. Even though they are both the same material.


mmmm, looks tasty to me… licks lips

hi, looks like it’s about to be wrapped, like its come out of a mold then placed on the foil.
not bad chocolate & foil, well done with the crest.
chocolate could be a little darker/deeper brown maybe.
…mmm chocolate.

Hah! cool!
It’s looking good, but a little to scattery for my tastes. I think it looks a little cheap right now, I would say give it more substance, and you’ll be headed towards that rich chockyocolatatious taste ine can acquire by visiting europe.

yum, chocolate. I think you’re getting to the point where you need to start working the light set up to get the results you want. The tin foil looks like mylar because it’s too smooth. Tin foil highlights are broken up more. You might be able to do that with some kind of texture mapped to Nor. Take a look at the images on this page, you’ll see that the foil has a slight noise texture when it’s flat, and lots of small angular highlights when it’s crumpled.

Looks very good anyway. Welcome to BlenderArtists.

Thanks for all the comments. I can’t believe I didn’t think of using a texture to the get the foil looking right. Basically I started off trying to model it, couldn’t get it right, so gave up and subserfed what I had at the time and added the creases. I’ll play with textures tonight if I have a chance.

The crest itself looks good because I did it the laziest way possible. I had a black and while image of it and made it blurry as possible and used that image to deform a mesh. I just kept subdividing until it looked perfect but did not crash Blender (at about a million faces). I then ran a decimation script until it was of usable size but left the text readable (about 40k faces). Quick and dirty but it looks good. One day I hope to model it properly.

Thanks for the nice welcome to this site!


I think the chocolate looks a lot better here. I added a texture to the foil, but when I made it too crinkly the critic in the house (an eight year-old) didn’t like it. She might be right - it was a bit distracting. Is this better?


Oh yeah, the chocolate looks MUCH better there.
the tin foil is a bit watery though, it looks lots better, but I think it needs some more hard edges and folds.

the foil still doesn’t look like foil. Suggestion, try several noise maps with a hi resolution cloud map.

Also, out of curiosity, is the chocolate rendered with blender’s SSS?

yes the foil needs same subtile lines on a bumpmap and to shiny/overcast on it. choclate seems to be looked better in the first image post, i think now the shoclate is to sof. Looks like it it has just started to melt. But i like choclate - so i must know it.:stuck_out_tongue:

@jaycun: yes, it is using SSS set to “cream”, but I honestly don’t know how much it is doing for it.

I think the biggest problem I’m having with the chocolate is that the two parts, base and crest, are so different. The crest is so rounded while the base is flat. Using one material for both it’s hard to get them both looking good. I’ll try using two different materials instead.

As for the foil, I just can’t get a texture that looks right. The above is using “DistortedNoise”. As CoreyAvitar said, it looks too “watery”.

the chocolate: as a former employee of a chocolate factory i can tell you that the upper part (the logo) is to shiny. chocolate is shiny if its not dried out (or cooled down), after reaching the room temperature its specular highlight gets blurry and very dull. the lower part has the appearance of room temperature chocolate, so what i want to say is that try (if you stil working on this) to match the upper part with the lower part. dont worry about the color difference, just change “somehow” (i know its the same material) its shinyness.
basicaly there is three main kind of chocolate, dark (really dark brown), milk (brownish, very light colour) and white (very light yellowish-white). they mix and colour these three type.
for the foil: use cloud texture and change from default blender noise to big cellnoise (noise size O.78) and warp it with voronoi crackle. foil looks like crackle. (well, after a human touch).
really good design otherwise, my mouth is watering…

try putting fractal on the tin. that would make it more foil-like.

Wow Gaalgergely! Looking at that texture in the preview, I wouldn’t have guessed that it would have worked out so well in use. Thanks for that.

Of course, that only means that in my short time at my computer last night I managed to make the foil look a lot better but make the chocolate itself look worse. I’ll have to try again some more tonight…


Last one, I swear…

I think I’m about done playing with this image. I learned a lot about textures while getting the foil to look better, and I’ve learned that there is so much that I have to learn about materials and lighting.

The image below shows the chocolate logo without the square base, and is what it looked like early on in the process when all I was really trying to do was make foil. It was just something to place on it. However, my wife thought it looked impossibly delicate, so I added the base. I think it looks more interesting without it.

In the end I’m happy with the foil and remain unhappy with my attempts at making realistic-looking chocolate, but there is so many other things I need to learn and try. Thanks for all your help; this is wonderfully supportive community.


Ooooooh, looks so good!

Nice job.

Wow! lookin so much better! the foil in this one is great! a little too gold for my liking, but great!

Wow Gaalgergely! Looking at that texture in the preview, I wouldn’t have guessed that it would have worked out so well in use. Thanks for that.

Of course, that only means that in my short time at my computer last night I managed to make the foil look a lot better but make the chocolate itself look worse. I’ll have to try again some more tonight…
Attached Thumbnails