
hello everyone, this is a project I did inspired by the design solidesign, hope you like
Blender 2.64
Render Keyshot


very cool man, nicely done

thanks man

amazing modeling julio
very cool

WOW!:wink: so cool. It looks like a beast to me. nicely done congratulations

Extremely well done!

Love it - very very cool and inspiring to learn this blender thing :slight_smile:

thanks guys

Nice modeling indeed Julioras,but I am not a fan of all that chrome you put in there and some kind of grey shader that doesnt look like rubber or leather. It looks like you just put the materials on that bike and called it finished.

Well I dont know if your inspiration image looks like that or you planned it that way, but I would suggest you give that bike a little more of your attention:
Put some nice textures on it, that actually make sence
Give some background
Change your camera view

Up to you

In any case, nice work
Keep well

thanks for your criticism,I did all chrome inspired bike in movie I robot,but soon I will make a version with scenery and new materials

excuse my bad english

I’m in love…
Best motorcycle ever!

thank you @McThingy, glad you like it