Chris Folea's Production Vlog

Hey everyone!

I’ve been working on an animated short film in blender for a while, and I decided to start a vlog on it now that I’ve finally gotten to the animation phase! This will help me stay on task, and it will keep everyone up to date on my progress!

You can check out my vlog here!

There is more about my project (renders, screen shots, etc.) here as well:

Let me know what you think!


This isn’t a bad idea actually. Certainly might motivate you. A little Ze-Frank-Meets-Max-Headroom-and-they-cover-a-video-blog-by-Lucas-Martell. But I didn’t hate it and will watch more.

How’s that for a ringing endorsement?

EDIT: By the way I thought the character animation was really well done, very realistic.

Thanks! I appreciate it!

In other news,

The second video is now up:

Let me know what you all think!