Christmas Villiage

So I am calling this finished even though it is far from where I want it to be. It was a nice little sprint, but I must move on now. On the plus side, my renders have gotten much better since last year, so it is nice to see the improvement. I guess I’m trying too hard to live up to my own expectations after that cabin image that took like a month. :stuck_out_tongue:

Merry Christmas!


Looks like a Hallmark card. Great job!

wow Looks good!!

Turned out great, excellent job.

great render as usual, Jonathan…
but…but… the merry christmas and happy new year font looks very familiar to me :smiley:
and, if it’s me, I’m gonna make it a night scene, :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

but…but… the merry christmas and happy new year font looks very familiar to me

I know, this bothers me too! In my hurry, I changed every font to be different except the massive sign that is the most important:o

It reminds me of a scene from the movie “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens!