Cinema 4D "Plane Cut" tool in Blender?

Maybe some one know some addon with tool mimicking this one?

Did you looked at the loop cut tool ?? You have to select the loop, no axis select… and you can choose the number of cuts and the distribution…

VIdeo perfectly explain what is “plane cut” and why im ask about “plane cut”. Not the loop cut.

Isn’t that pretty much the bisect too?

Theoretically - yes. Practically - hell no, cause bisect tool takes too much time to setup, have really weird gizmo and zero options for snapping. I rather prefer typical orthomode+knife tool than bisect tool.

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Yeah, its Gizmo is useless.
The only way to “snap” its rotation to x, y or z is to put 0,0,1 into the “plane normal” text boxes.
That thing needs some developer time.

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I only see “Loop Cut” and `Knife Tool" combination.

You are hard to please… but yes the other function is orientated along axis only (mostly?)…
Okay then maybe use a plane or cube in the same size as your object, loop cut or subdiv this, delete faces only and then use the Knife Project function… (viewing in orthograpic view, select object, change into edit mode, adidtional select cutting object in outliner, select Mesh → Knife Project with additional option Cut Through )

I use a Blender plane as a Cutting Plane like in Rhino and I assume about the same in C4d…
I then use Booltool and the slice operation to do the cuts…

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