Hey guys,
so I was experimenting with some techniques to achieve a cinematic look of a landscape. In this case I chose an island and rendered some random shots of it.
Rendered in Blender Cycles
The final render has about 200-300 samples. I used the new denoising feature (which is awesome by the way)!
I appreciate every comment and critic, so I can improve my artworks.
when i first saw the render i said love it!
when i saw the cly i said Oh love it!
when i saw the half of the video i said wow love it!
when the video ends i said wow awesome i love it!
one question how much working time and samples?
Thanks! Yeah I thought of it, too, but it is part of my showreel so i decided to let it stand for itself. I didn’t want to create an emotional world but just showcase this animation.
Well yes, I used the video bigbad shared as inspiration. Because I didn’t find any tutorials about this scene online I tried to find a quick but pleasing solution to recreate this scene by myself.
Basically I used a plane, modified it with subdivision and a displacement modifier and textured it with a seamless texture of a rock. Then I created three type of trees out of one master and used a particle system in combination with vertex groups and a baked texture for density to place them on top of the islands surface. A bit of environment lighting, a plane with 100% reflection and a noise texture for normal, a smooth tracking shot and that’s it.
I’m glad you like it! If I had to recreate one shot of this animation I would say about a few hours with tweaking. Because I was experimenting with the tree models and the island itself it took me about two days with rendering at night.
Thank you! I used SheepIt so it depends on the workstations that are rendering the animation. I don’t know the exact number but I guess it was about 2-4 hours for each shot.