Hi all
I’m still pretty new to modeling, so I have lot to figure out and i hope you guys can help me a bit.
I want to model a speaker that has bass ports on the front.
I’ve been searching a lot for tuts on the subject, and found some that I’ve tried. But every method i’ve tried leaves me with some kind of problem. Mostly it’s pinching in the circle, where it’s close to the corners of the cube. I need the detail loops so I can control the falloff into the hole, but adding these loops gives me pinching
I’ve tried these three ways without success:
1: Boolean.
Gives me a really messy mesh as a result and no control over the mesh afterwards.
2: Transform to Sphere.
I subdivide a cube, select the center vert and delete it, then select the rim of the hole just created, cursor til selected, go to “Mesh” -> “Transform” -> “To sphere”. Then i add the details loops from all 4 sides.
This option gives me good control, but leaves pinching in the circle where it’s close to the corners of the cube.
3: Circle extrude.
Add circle, extrude it once and scale out. Select the top vert’s and flatten out, same goes to bottom and sides. Then I have a perfect circle in a square with control, but when I add sub-surf and smooth the square get rounded. When adding the detail loops to get the shape of the square back, I get pinching in the circle again.
I’ve added some pictures to show the problems and the mesh, so that you guys can see exactly whats going on, and hopefully better help me
Transform to Sphere on the right, and add circle method on the left.
Thanks in advance.