Hi ,
Quick question , i want to control curve circle profile resolution based on its rmean radius.
Eg, radius 1 has 6 vertices , 0.5 radius has 3 vertices etc.
I am learning geonodes , thank you !
Hi ,
Quick question , i want to control curve circle profile resolution based on its rmean radius.
Eg, radius 1 has 6 vertices , 0.5 radius has 3 vertices etc.
I am learning geonodes , thank you !
Thank for your reply Debuk,
i want the value not be a random number but the mean radius ( thats alt s shortcut on editing the spline extrusion. So area on the spline with more radius get increased resolution. I will experiment a bit but i havent found a way to input to integer on resolution.
What you try here isnt possible. Neither for the curve circle node nor for the curve to mesh node.
Note that the input sockets of these nodes are circle shaped, not diamond shaped. That means you cant change them dynamically these are static inputs.
Edit: Read more about it here.