Circular array along a curve?

Anyone know of a quick and easy way to apply circular array along a curve? Shown on the image to the left side is array of tiny beads around a circular band. I’d like to do something like on the right side of image (red beads)… array beads in a similar circular fashion but along a slight curve on top. I’m thinking maybe there is a method like extracting and selecting the curve, then the bead object to place it all along the curve.


You could set up a geonode to do this with a vertex group. Maybe like this.

Hope that helps.


interesting and thank you. I haven’t a clue about geometry nodes but keep hearing it. I will have to learn what its about. I’m using 2.91 Blender

Ah, ok, Im afraid Ive been working with Geonodes for such a time now that Ive almost forgotten how to do this without them. I also use Blender 3.4/3.5 now, so a few versions on.

maybe someone else can show a setup using modifiers?

I guess one of the common ways was to use “Instancing on Faces”?

  • Extract geometry you want the beads to instance on;
  • parent the bead object to that geometry;
  • go to Object Data > Instancing, select Faces;
  • uncheck Show Instancer checkboxes below to hide the geometry.

The problem with this, of course, is that you only get as many beads as there are faces on those rims.
Some issues probably can be worked around but it’s not exactly a non-destructive method :thinking:

It’s hard to remember the life without Geometry Nodes now =D


It’s easy to work around that limitation, and be (mostly) non-destructive:

  • instead of those faces, make a loopcut along which you want the beads, separate it out and convert to a curve.

  • parent the bead to something smaller, like a tiny filled circle (you just need a bit of a face), and array that to the curve, and instance the bead on that instead. You can cram as many beads on that curve as will fit.

Advantage over the other usual method of deforming an array along a curve, is that this never deforms the actual beads (which used to give me a headache); they remain pristine.

If the shape of the ring changes, then the extracted curve needs to be adapted, so it’s not entirely non-destructive, and it pays to think ahead.

I’m still living a happy life without geometry nodes but not for much longer. :wink:

Edit: I made an example. Left the instancing object a largish triangle so one can see it for the purpose of understanding how it works.