Great work, but the crowd on the side is barely recognisable as people in the motion blurred render. I guess that’s largely because of the uniformal color of the people models, there seems to be barely any variation in tones, if any. Only when I saw the wire frame, I realised there were lots of people watching the race. I think that’s a shame.
Thank you guys so much
Pieriko when I will be back home after the weekend I will post some modeling, texturing and shading steps. I will try to put here all valuable stuff. Thanks again!
Looks really great, but the cape could do with a bit of Noise, just a slight shifting of randomly selected verts so it doesn’t look like it’s made of modern materials.
Thank you so much! I did not expect you will like it so much. Probably I spent too much time on this image so I don’t love it anymore. Thanks for rly nice feedback and I agree with all criticism. I see it now :)) but I was blind before
pls go HEREfor more screenshots.
the only thing i cant get past is the horses legs, specifically the one on the left, leaning forward, and both legs bowed. personally i think this stance would be unrealistic for a horse that was tripping. Horses feet generally land like this - - - - but your horse would land - - = with both front feet planted firmly on the ground. Such a motion would be very damaging to the horses legs, most likely breaking or fracturing from the pressure of the force for square inch