City Alley - Environment

This is a city alley scene to practice a bit more environment stuff.


Looks cool!

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I like the way you contrast the harsh blue light that illuminates the figure (casting a nice shadow) with the realistic color-temperature of the street light and automobile headlight beyond. That headlight is a nice touch because it serves as the final step in a nice three-step or four-step procession of lights, which helps to “link” the various Z-depths within the total scene. It leads your eye nicely ought to where the buildings are. There’s an abundance of realistic and plausible detail here in every part of the frame, including the very nice clouds in the dark sky. Even the painted graffiti gives a nice variation to the bricks, including their specularity. There’s litter scattered about but not too much of it. Yes, you did think of everything. :+1:

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Nice render. But maybe you could scale the material for the asphalt a bit up. It now got the sense of a too much scale. The crack is way too large. Maybe yoiu can give it a bit of a wet looke with reflections that would be nice.


I see your point thank you. The reference image in real life had an even larger set of cracks…but I totally know what you mean. It’s an interesting thing.

Beautiful work, I like the use of cold and warm colours. Nice composition and modelling.

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Thank you so much Pchef!

Thanks Tiki!

Awesome sun, cheers! Thanks! Ya I really wanted to get that headlight in the distance correct. As well as the positioning of the passing car.