City night scene

A scene I’ve been working on. Any thoughts/critiques/ideas on how to make it better and more realistic?


It’s a good start. I would say it needs more light. I would put a light behind the building on the left so it’s lighting up the building on the right side. The open sign is out of place. maybe hanging down? The park benches look out of place. The telephone pole on the right looks out of scale.
Look up references like “Busan Alley at night” or “Hong Kong alley at night”

Realism is not my strength but believability is good for that. The neon lights are in vulnerable places and would have been vandalized or accidentally broken. Yet they are pristine. Their owners would probably not have placed them there.

Artistically the neon brightness and colorfulness contrasts with the gray darkness. If intended then it is good. If not then consider a bit less difference. The bright rectangle above the open sign is distracting. Do the asian characters say “princess …” or “sock bacon drool”? Multilingual accuracy would be realistic though maybe to obsession.

If I did this … well “sock drool” describes my abilities … I would have the dark gray street with just the open sign. A light in the darkness? Hope? A pleasant lure drawing you into darkness? The viewer’s imagination would be awakened to create his own meaning.

I will not talk about the quality of the models, textures and the relevance of some things in the frame. This comes with work experience.

For some reason, many beginners are afraid to experiment with light in night scenes. I suggest adding more light for harsh shadows and diminishing the background light.

The scene must have some kind of atmosphere, a gray dark frame without justification has no atmosphere. With light, you can display elements that affect the atmosphere of the frame.

What if you add more light and atmosphere? It will look more cinematic.

And most importantly, beautiful is not equal to realistic and physically correct