City Scene

After post-processing


• The scene have 3 objects that have volumetric material, one of the color is
orange and other are of blue color.

• Withour fog.

• There are 3 layer of clouds(3 spheres) having different alpha value.

• Background objects also have outline, that was created using solidify modifier

• Outline created using solidify modifier with normal flip set to checked and
material offset to outline material index.

• Outline material is simple black emissive material with backface culling set
to checked



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Like the city design, and the sky looks really good, the character is nice, although hair is a bit weird.
I would suggest turning down post processing, as the light bokeh makes harder to see the character face, which isn’t ideal considering she is the center piece here.
Also huge thank you for sharing technical details