Civil War Cannon/Camp (Minor Update)


With so many Civil War battles having their 150th anniversary this year, I thought I’d do some research on the subject and create a Civil War photo.

I would normally like to add more detail (like bolts/nails etc) to the cannon, but after looking at several reference photos, I really can’t find to much more to add to it. So overall, I think I’m ready to call this one done, however if anyone thinks it needs some tweaking here and there, feel free to let me know.

The only thing that I didn’t create is the background photo behind the tents (it came from, but everything else (including the tents) I created in Blender.

The first photo is what I like better and will probably call it my finished one. However just for fun, I’ve added a little compositing onto it and thought I’d include that version as well.

I hope you like it, thanks!

I like the cannon and have wanted to make one in the past after visiting St. Augustine in Florida. I thought the whole fort scene would be cool.

A couple of crits:
The cross beams appear to have sharp edges. A bevel might help.
The black on the cannon may be a bit too clean.

I love the little fragments of dirt and whatnot on the wheels. Did you just model some geometry to stick on there?

Thanks for the reply!

I actually do have a bevel on the cross beam, but just a slight one. I’ll be sure to increase it some and work on adding a little more dirt on the metal.

The dirt on the wheels was actually just made out of edited Icospheres. I noticed on one of my reference photos (an old photograph with several Union Officers around a cannon) that the cannon had quite a bit of mud on it, so I thought I’d try to duplicate it a little. Thanks!

Yeah, a fort scene would be cool. A little off topic I guess, but I’m not very far away from Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield (near Springfield Mo). The Confederates in that battle camped only a few miles away from where I’m at (in fact, I often enjoy hiking on the very land they camped on), so that’s how I came up with the idea of making a Confederate camp. I also found out that several skirmishes that directly led up to the Battle of Wilsons creek was fought only a mile or two from me. So I’ve been very interested in the Civil War subject lately.

Anyway back on topic, thanks again for the tips!

EDIT: Here’s updated pictures with the changes mentioned above.

Looks good but some of the textures could use some work I think. The wood looks like particle board, I would reccomend using some wood textures from but its up to you.
Nice work though.

It’s nice to see something different being created. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the responses, everyone!

I worked on the textures some more, and I think they look much better (I still might tweak them some more if I have the time, especially the spokes).

I haven’t had much time to work on it again until tonight, but I think it was good to take a break. When I came back to it, I was able to look it over more carefully and find places to add more detail to as well.

Here’s the latest pic:

Thanks again!