Civil War:Fort Sumter

i hope i posted this in the right forum section anyway.
i have a school project and i would like to make a 3D model of fort sumter.
i have blueprints/tour guide in the pics.
how do i read blue prints


I like historical art and this looks like a good choice.
On thing I would do, even if it seems lazy, is duplicate a lot of the parts I see, like possibly linked duplicates, for segments with repeating windows and arches.

im doing a report on the last commander of fort sumter and wanted to do a 3d model of fort sumter.
any idea how to get the height of the objects(cant seem to find anything on that like in feet or meters) and weapons(cannons) right?

i edited a tour guide of fort sumter and got blue prints of fort sumter. still dont know how to read it
