Civil War-Ironclad Warship

I have to research an Ironclad for my Social Studies class- we are obviously doing U.S. History. There is an essay part, and then there is a visual part. The visual part can be a sculpture, diorama, or antying that provides visual aid. Of course, being a Blenderartist, I screwed the given ideas and decided to make a CG model. I have the basic shape of the ironclad, which I made in like 15 minutes. I am using simple subdivision-lvl3. But I’m asking a noobish question [sorry to be wasting your time, I probably forget how to do this myself], but how do I fix these edges? Dotted lines along the edges…:o

I also have pics of an Ironclad just in case you need a general idea.

The model is not supposed to look exactly like the pics, I am just picking high points of the pics and using the basic shape in the model.


Maybe these 2 things will do the trick.


Hey, whaddaya know! Auto Smooth helped! Thanks MARS Grfx. I will be updating soon…

Been fixing up the ship’s proportions- I have the placeholders for the cannon doors. I am also making the cannon in a separate layer. Been wondering- Is there a way to assign subsurf to a certain part of an object [e.g. vertex groups?] I really need to do that for the tip of the cannon! [Too solid]


I finished the cannon, and even though it won’t have any close-ups, I still made it as accurate as possible. I am not going to add wheels, and I fixed that selective subsurf problem (Just bevel!). So I will go back to the main ship and finish that up. (2.46RC doesn’t have Bevel Recursion! I do Bevel but it doesn’t ask recursion, don’t know why…):spin:


looking nice. keep up the good work.

also, you are not the only one who uses your blender skillz for schoolwork :eyebrowlift2:

I added the cannons inside the ship, along with an interior wall and floor, so it doesn’t look like they’re floating inside the ship.:rolleyes: (Click for larger view)


Almost done…

That is just so cool!

Nice going :slight_smile: But I think you need a smokestack, all these were steam propelled, wouldn’t look the same without it :slight_smile:

Good job!

Looking good thus far. But for some reason there are a lot of creases and unwanted seams on the model of the ship. It might be because of tris mixed with a subsurf modifier. Can you show a wire? And I think there are some flipped normals around the cannons that could be easily resolved with either Ctrl + N and if that doesn’t work try Auto-Smooth with the value to 80. Hope that helps!

>Dudebot13: Believe it or not, the cannon normals or fine, it’s just the way the hemi casts a shadow on the cannon. lmost everything is is quads, just a few on the bottom you don’t see, but I will check for more. And I will post a WF.

>DarkDays66: I have done the smokestacks already, just haven’t posted em yet. I modeled them weird though, so I am going to do them again. Hopefully today though.

>kbot: Thanks.

Well I’m on textures now, and this is where I suck. I know how to UV unwrap, but how do you professionally UV unwrap, like people do with car models? I need an advanced UV Unwrapping and UV Texturing Tutorial. The whole thing is Iron(duh, ironclad). I have the flag and smokestack modeled, and am going to use the Cloth Sim in 2.46 RC3 for the flag.


I have a big problem with my camera- and I have to have a rendered animation by Wednesday! Please help me with this problem- Visit this threadfor details.


Well, I’m done with the project. I got through it with minimal help. All I wanted was to do a quickie project, and maybe get some help along the way, even though I didn’t get much.

I’m glad I finally got this off my back- I kind of got bored of it because of my time limit. I will not continue this.

Anyway, here’s the .blendfile.

Sorry I didn’t see this earlier. I loved the old Ironclad ships.

Next time you do an ocean themed project, check out Cog’s tutorials at

He has tuts up there on ocean creation and even how to make your smokestack belch out dirty brown smoke and your rebel flag flutter in the wind.

Yes, Tea_Monster, I was about to get to that- I animated it in an ocean, but sorry, no smoke, had to finish before deadline. Here’s the link: Ironclad Demo

Ironclad .blend

I was at his website about 80% of the time of this project, reading his ocean pdf. But I used cloth simulation instead of his procedural texture flag.

GO N00BHAX0R! (I love the Mr. Bean avatar!!)
What grade did you get on that?? ( It is a Social Studies Project, for those that didn’t know )
Here is my project for a Gettysburg rifle:

I hope I got an A !!
C ya.