Classic Album Covers Reimagined #4: Nektar Recycled

This is #4 in my series of re-creations of album covers from The Golden Age of Vinyl, where I Blenderize my favorite albums/album covers from the '60s and '70s.

By no means do I claim to make them “better” than the originals. It’s like doing a cover of a classic song and putting my own spin on it.

This one originally got my attention when I was 15 and I walked into a record store and saw the poster on the wall. It kind of blew my mind, so of course I bought it.

Original art by Helmut Wenske:

In case anyone wants to hear the music attached to this epic piece of art:


Nice… but I love to see grimmer, grunge… painterly look. Maybe one more version :slight_smile:

Cool work! I love such recreations. It needs the #nsfw tag for nudity though.

Really? For man-boobs? Ha! Fair enough. Insect-man-boobs I guess.