Clean Mesh Converter - Free addon

Hello. Today I wanted to share my humble free addon, which may speed up your work related to converting “text” or “curve” objects into an editable mesh.
We all know how frustrating it is to remove double edges that remain on an object after conversion, so I decided to write this simple addon that speeds up and improves this process.
After installing, in the context menu of the object, we have an operator called “Clean Mesh Converter”.
It will work on three types of objects: MESH. TEXT, CURVE, and can be called in both edit and object mode.

It speeds up my work a lot, because I import quite a lot of drawings in svg format, and maybe it will also make it easier for some of You, have fun :slight_smile:

Clean Mesh (1.7 KB)


I don’t know why i have overseen this… so i bump it also because of the other thread… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


life saver, thank you bro

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