Cleaning mesh bevelled corner


I need help with how to clean up my mesh. After I bevelled the corner, my mesh ended up something like this. Is there any way to clean this up or any other method to bevel corner without messing my mesh? Thanks

I’m not sure how you got those bevel results…
Using a basic mesh shaped something like what you have the Bevel when added should have looked something like this…

Did you happen to use the Bevel modifier? if so it could be adjusted…
Did you model the top and bottom separately?
Did you add the loop cuts before you added the bevel?

You could try dissolving the 2 loop cuts, which will leave the “star” from the bevel… Use the knife tool and cut the star from top to bottom, giving you a new edge select the edges from the star, and dissolve them…

Better yet… delete this one part and remodel it as a single mesh starting from a cube…it is so simple it shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to get back to beveling… and make it more like what I showed and then adjust to the vehicle images…

It looks like you beveled those 2 vertexes (not edges)