hello guys,
i started using blender recently, and i found it lovely, decided to lern it. lately i’ve been sculpting and i had a small tiny idea that could speed up the masking while sculpting, we know B is masking, but what if : B+drag on empty area in viewport, clears the mask, instead of alt+M that requires more thinking for just a simple task.
if there’s a way please, emlighten me. am waiting your feedback![blender clear mask
Current B for Box Mask actually adds to the mask, so having it clear the mask would be unwanted behavior (e.g. when accidentally dragging at an empty spot). It might not even be possible on current Box Mask.
Perhaps change the current Box Mask to shift+B. Then create a new Box Mask (B) that doesn’t add to the selection.
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you mean i make a shortcut to subtruct selection from the mask. like B, seems good since i use zbrush i would love to see some of the streight forward workflow in blender instead of relying on shortcuts, specialy in sculpting speed and so on.
you mean i make a shortcut to subtruct selection from the mask
can, but I actually meant normal box selection. Normal selection would give the result you are looking for.
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